Hi everyone! It is officially time for me to come clean! I have been keeping a secret for a long time:) I took myself off hold for running the Twin Cities Marathon! I am sure that some of you might have figured that some thing was up when my 20 mile race recap was posted. I know Jill and Heather suspected it....I could tell from the comments that I got and have been getting. My plan was to keep it secret until after the race. I just can't do that....keeping this secret has been torture for me! I ran that 20 miler to see if I could do it and feel confident enough to go the full 26.2! I think that I can do it! I am ready for that challenge and will run on Sunday. I promise that I will run it smart and easy!

This is what I am going to be wearing race day! I really want to let people know that I am running because I hope to see other Minnesota bloggers there:) Oh, and Jeri! There are several members of my running group who are running the Twin Cities 10 mile! If you are reading this and see me on race day, please, send me tons of cow-bell! Unfortunately, not a single person from my family will be cheering me on for my first marathon:( Long story...not getting into it in this blog post. I could use all of the support and positive race vibes that I can get! Can you help a newbie out? This will most likely be my last post until after the race! I hope to have tons of fantastic pictures and a great race recap:)
Minnesota bloggers and running group peeps...please look for me! I would love to see you all! Good luck to everyone running on Sunday!
Happy running, biking, swimming and lifting! Cheers to you all!
Oh, one more thing, bloggers from Vegas are awesome!