I have been getting e-mails over the past few months about Grandma's Half Marathon. I wasn't sure if I wanted to run it again this year. This past Friday I got the last reminder e-mail saying that it was the last day to register for the lottery. I figured it was worth a try but didn't expect to get in again this year. Monday morning when I went to work and checked my e-mails I saw that it was confirmed. I was picked to run Grandma's half!! Maybe this is a sign to get off of my butt and start training for real! The good news is that the days are getting longer and we are finally in freaking March! Yes, it is the little things in life....like March in Minnesota!
My next race is in a few weeks. I am running the Get Lucky! 7 K just like I did last year. It is one of the races in the Team Ortho series that I really love! It was one of my top three out of the twenty something races that I ran last year:)
I am looking forward to getting back into blogging! I will be searching for motivation to help me to get back into the swing of things:) Help!
Happy running, biking, swimming, lifting and surfing! Cheers to you all!