This morning I ran in the Maple Grove 5K. Damn, it was a chilly morning once again. When the heck is Minnesota going to see spring? The weather we have been having is just crazy...this morning it was 43 degrees when I pulled into the school parking lot. I stayed in my van as long as possible because I was wearing shorts. Brrr!!!

There was also a half marathon going on this morning and it was scheduled to start fifteen minutes before the 5K. I stood in the Football stands and watched the start. There were just over 700 runners making there way around the high school track.

Eventually the 5K runners made our way to the start line. There were 317 of us total. I lined up closer to the front than I do with the bigger races. I noticed a woman checking her running watch and I realized that I had not started mine! Crap!! I started my Garmin hoping that I would be able to pick up a satellite ASAP! I started casual conversation with that woman. We chatted for a few minutes. She told me that today was her first 5K of the season. I asked her what type of pace she was looking to run and she told me a seven minute mile. I laughed and told her I would be watching her back for most of the race:) This nice woman ended up winning the race for the females! The race official started the race and we were off. The first mile went by just fine. I was feeling okay but not fabulous. I didn't really have any time goals other than to finish under 25 minutes. Last year when I ran this my time was 23:50 and I took home second place for my age group. At the mile marker I looked down at my Garmin and it showed that my time was 7:47. Last year I did the first mile just under seven minutes. The course is one of my favorite 5K courses because it is very flat and fast. I continued to run and before I knew it I came up to the mile two marker. I never looked at my Garmin after that first time. I just wanted to run it on how I felt. It was okay. I know I wasn't busting butt and cheek but I was keeping a steady pace. The last mile was pretty tough. I am so used to running a half marathon pace that this 5K business was a little tough for this under trained runner. Note to self....must train more...must do speed drills! Run fast to be fast:) The final stretch of the race was to finish around the high school track. Last year I was feeling great and kicked it at the end. I had flash backs to my wonderful track days:) This year I was just fine keeping my steady pace and didn't feel the need to make myself puke. Not puking is always good:)
Final stats...
Final time...24:51.
I finished 28 out of 317 total.
I finished 10 out of 231 women.
I finished 3 out of 39 for my age group.
This was not my fasted and not my slowest. I finished around where I thought I surprises today.

It was so cold out there that as soon as the award ceremony was over I left ASAP. My hubby took pictures of me at home.

Next week I am running another 5K called the Old Glory Run. Hoping to do a little better...must do speed drills:)
Happy running, biking, swimming, lifting and surfing! Cheers to you all!