Here is a picture of my kiddos, they look all happy and like they are best friends!! Don't let their sweet little smiles fool you! It is just the picture.....sadly, they tend to get on each others nerves but agreed to sit for a picture! My son is heading off to college tomorrow and I will miss him:(
I was so thrilled to get out yet again today and go on another longer run!!! Ten miles! The first four were honestly the hardest, I felt tired and my legs felt heavy. My best split was 7:43 and my slowest 10:03. It was a nice run with great temps so I was a happy runner girl:) Warning....I am having issues with the spacing...grrrr! I am attempting to fix!!
As promised in my last post it is my intention to share a few of my favorite blogs:) Okay, there may be more than just a few. I have been blogging for around six and a half weeks and have enjoyed it immensely. It has been an absolute pleasure reading and getting to know about everyone's unique stories!. There are truly so many wonderful blogs out there. You should know that there is no particular order for these blogs but I have seperated them into catergories. So here goes, the list of many outstanding blogs!
Blogs that are extremely entertaining and funny to me. Everyone needs a good laugh every now and then. Here is the list of a few that never disappoint.
1) Beth at
Discombobulated Runner...Beth or B.O.B is freaking hilarious and something tells me that she is a riot to hang out with! It is really to bad that she doesn't live in Minnesota, I would love to hang out with her. Check out her blog and go back to her January 4
th post titled, Sybil. It is her take on randomness...be ready to laugh your ass off!:) She aslo features a thankful Thursday bleep where she lists a few things that she is thankful for. She then asks her readers to participate! B.O.B is a must see!
2)Steve at
Steve in a Speedo?! Gross! Oh boy, where do I start on this one? I must admit that I wasn't sure what I was going to find when clicking on his blog. Actually, I am pretty sure that I was imagining an older, hairy, stocky man who was actually really wearing a super tight red speedo. The kind of man that you might see walking the beaches in Florida:) I was very surprised to find out that Steve was a younger fellow Minnesota athlete! Steve's posts are pretty funny and clearly he is a clown:) There have been many times that I have rolled my eyes and sighed at some of the material he chooses to discuss in his blog. Go to his blog and check out his January 12th post titled, My New Recovery Drink of Choice and you will see what I mean. I guess in short, I can say that Steve is a guy! I think it is the little boy in him that amuses me! Another thing that I love about his blog is that fact that he shares tons of very cool pictures:) I read his blog daily and hope to meet him someday in the future:)
3) Holly at
Fat Girl Running...Holly is a fairly new blogger who is also pretty comical. Friday I was in a crabby mood, totally PMSing and just flat out tired! I went to her blog and read her post from January 15th, titled, Where the Hell are my Knees?? Very funny, I was giggling for a long time after. Her funny story is just what I needed to take care of my cranky mood! Check her blog out!
4) Beth at
Shut Up and Run Beth always seems to entertain me with her funny stories, videos and pictures. Yes, Beth's blog is very amusing but she does have a softer and serious part of her as well. One of my favorites is the December 20th post titled, First Marathon Race Report. This particular report was from her last year's first marathon. Reading her report gave me the desire to want to put a marathon on my to do list. Also, check out this girl's killer abs, they are super impressive:) Take a look at her blog and see for your self!
My next category is stimulating and sophisticated writers. First, everyone should know that I am a complete sucker for intriguing, romantic, mysterious and extremley intelligent writers. I love anyone that can execute stellar creative writing! Here are my top three!
1) Lam at
The Running Laminator I absolutely adore this blog! Lam is a kid doctor who doubles as a poet and a running coach. His writing inspires, shines with intelligence, and displays a unique class and sophistication! There is a politeness and charm to his writing that will be sure to delight any reader. He takes moments from his life as a doctor and parallels them with running. His blog is a necessity!
2)Jamoosh at
Das Mixture Jamoosh is a blogger who is very funny, witty and extremely creative. I enjoy reading the comments that he leaves to other bloggers....very much a smart ass, but I think that is what I like about him!:) Jamoosh has in fact, never left me a comment but he was kind enough to introduce my blog to his readers by posting a little bleep about cool Minnesota moms! Thank you for that Jamoosh! The first post of his that I read was from January 6th, titled, Do Not Read This Post. I must admit that I was confused....this is a running blog???? Even though it might of seemed confusing to me, I was highly impressed with his unique intelligent writing style. It sparked a curiousity in me and I now read his blog every day!!
3) Chad at
Running Minnesota Chad is a runner who also writes articles for MDRA Magazine and interviews local runners for his Running Minnesota blog. I love this blog that pays tribute to many of Minnesota's finest local runners. Chad does an excellent job letting his readers learn more about the uniuqe lives and history of every runner he interviews. I am crossing my fingers in hopes of seeing an updated blog and new Minnesota running subject:) Oh, another thing, Chad has another personal running blog called
Simon Says Run!My next category is blogs that I read because I like them! These blogs are friendly, cheerful, and genuine. These are some of the characteristics and qaulities that I look for in friends!
1) Slomo at
Running for Happy Aches and Pain Let it be known that I just love Slomo to pieces because he is such a nice guy! He befriended me when I only had a few blogger friends and has been such a loyal follower! I am pretty sure that this man would take the shirt off of his back for a total stranger if he knew that he could help someone out. Slomo lives in Las Vegas with his wife and children. His life is crazy busy! Slomo also has like, I don't know twenty degrees or something like that! I love reading is blog because it is so conversational like and entertaining. He has a way of making me smile:) Slomo casually mentions other blogs that he reads and shares interesting things about them. I have started to read a few blogs due to Slomo. He also leaves the kindest comments! Running for Happy Aches and Pains is a blog that I read every single day:)
2) Meg at
Meg Runs Meg is also a positive and cheerful blogger! I love her upbeat attitude and happy demeanor. Meg is going to Boston!! One thing that Meg and I have in common is that we both have a college boy!
3) Jill at
Run With Jill Jill is also sweet and has a good sense of humor! I enjoy her daily postings and have to say that this girl appears to always be in a good mood:) I love happy people!! Oh, and I forgot to say that Jill is also going to Boston!!
4) Lisa at
Early Morning Run Lisa lives in the big apple and always entertains me with her stories, trips and healthy recipes! She is one of the luckiest runners that I know because she is able to run in Central Park everyday if she chooses!! Running in Central Park is on my to do list:) Stop by Lisa's blog!
5) Kathy at
Running, Life, Learning and Growing Kathy left a comment on someone else's blog and stated that she was a blogger newbie just like me. I left her a message and said, "Hey, lets be rookie blogger friends." Kathy has also been a loyal blogger friend:) She has already signed up for three marathons this year and one of them is in Missoula, Montana!! Montana is one of the most beautiful states and I am desperately wanting to go back:)
6) Katie at
Fit to Wed Katie is getting hitched and she has vowed to live a healthy lifestyle. She is smart, funny and super nice. Katie is like me and hoping to run in a few half marathons! I love reading her blog!
7) Jon at
SwiCycloRun...tales of an age group I am planning on adopting Jon but he doesn't know this yet. He will love having me for an older sister!! I will always have his back and eventually my craziness will win him over:) What do you think Jon? Are you game and will you take on the very important role as my bloggie kid brother? Jon lives in New York and enjoys running, swimming and cycling. I will not hold against him the fact that he loves to swim :) Swimming is yet another thing that I suck at! Check out his blog:)
8) Tim at
Bay Area Runner Tim is fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful places in the nation. On the weekends Tim goes on his longer runs and shares with his readers the most incredible pictues! Something wonderful has happened to him recently that has changed his life forever. Yes, Tim became a daddy for the first time in December and has a beautiful baby girl:) Check out his cool blog!
My next list features fellow Minnesota Bloggers!
1) Heather at
Junk Miles Heather is the reason that I began blogging. I found her blog by accident. I was looking for race results for a race that we both ran in and I stumbled across her blog. I was amazed that there was this entire blogging network available, and that runners could communicate with other runners, and form bloggie friendships! Heather is pretty funny and I love her blog and visit it daily:)
2) Jenn at
Running Sane Jenn is going to Boston!! Jenn is another Minnesota mom who has a heart of gold! She is a little fireball with kick ass splits!! She is a super star!! Love her blog!
3) Beth at
Running My Own Race I remember the first time I clicked on Beth's blog because I was elated that she was from Minnesota too!! Beth and I both ran the Polar Dash together and will hopefully run a few more of the same races together. Do you know that she actually finished a half marathon on her treadmill!!! Rock Star!! I am hoping to meet her sometime soon. Beth is very encouraging and has inspired me to run in a few more out of state races:)
4) Chris at
Running to the Honky Tonk Honky is a fairly new blogger who enjoys honky tonk music! He shares old music clips with his viewers:) He is getting ready to run in several marathons this year. He is a super nice guy who was inspired to run by his girlfriend:) He is ramping up the miles and getting ready to race!! Check out his blog!
5)Renee at
Renee's Ramblings Renee is the Minnesota runner that I wish to emulate. She started running in her late 30's and has a hell of a running career. She is super speedy and has some of the best times that I have ever seen for her age group! She just won the Zoom Yah Yah indoor track marathon! Yes, she ran a flipping marathon around a track!!! Her blog is a mixture of stories, race reports, recipes and other ruminations:) I love her blog and have been stalking it since August. She is a St. Cloud River Runner who lives in Rochester of all places. Some of you may remember when I started blogging I stated that the St. Cloud River Runners are stellar athletes who have race times that I could only dream of having. Well, Renee is one of them!
Next, I would like to share with you blog that have cool features.
1) Mel at
Tall Mom on the Run Mel features Test Lab Tuesday and High Five Friday! Check her blog out!
2) Amanda at
Run to the Finish Amanda has something called a Gratitude Journal. Every post she lists things that she is grateful for. I enjoy reading her list because she lists cool and unique things that I wouldn't normally think of:) It makes me appreciate the simple and pure things in life:)
My last category is blogs that I just recently started to visit.
1) Tony at
Running Through Life Well, let it be know that Tony lives in one of my favorite cities....Chicago!!! When I was a flight attendant my husband and I were able to fly stand by. If I had a few days off in a row we would hop a plane and take a quick trip to Chicago!! Good times!! I just started to read Tony's blog and he is just starting to get back in the saddle after a knee injury. Give Tony's blog a look see!!
2) Paige at
Serious Case of the Runs! I have to give Slomo credit for finding Paige...he had mentioned how she ran some crazy six hour run in the snow! I had to go check it out for myself and it is very clear that Paige is a flipping trooper for even attempting this particular run:) Paige is as cute as a button and uses word like Yeehaw and Bam!!!
3) Patrick at
My new life on the run Patrick just finished his first marathon at Disney!!! Congrats to him!! I have to thank B.O.B for giving me the heads up about this new blogger:) Patrick lives in Buffalo, NewYork and works as a news anchor for an affiliate of ABC! Ladies, there is a reason this man is in television:)
And there you have it folks....a very long list of favorites:) There are many more great blogs out there that I didn't include on my list. I am hoping to maybe do a review of new blogs every other week. I would like to go off the beaten path and find a few more unique and interesting blogs and then share them with you:)
Alright, I give up, my computer wins! So sorry about the huge spacing problem!! I have attempted to correct but it is just not going to happen on my home computer. I will see if I can fix it tomorrow on my work computer:)